Petunia Mambo Series
Height: 15-20cm, Flower Size: 6-9cm

Petunia Mambo is the multiflower sister of the grandiflora Limbo series..

The new-developed Mambo Series forms the multiflora counterpart of the grandiflora Limbo. The Mambo Petunia series does not require growth regulators because it is naturally dwarf. As Petunia Mambo does not have to be treated with PGRs, it starts flowering early and has significantly larger sized flowers: 6-9 cm (2-3.5 in.). The compact and non-stretching plant shows a superb shelf life during the shipping and sales period.

In the garden the Mambo Petunia reaches a height of 15-20 cm (6-8 in.). The series has a good weather resistance and an outstanding outdoor performance, which makes it a very attractive Petunia for consumers.